Last night after a long last minute trip to Wally World on Christmas Eve Eve Eve :) I decided I would round up the family and we were going to make some laundry soap. Usually I do this by myself or Kenzie joins in, but I am worn out here lately. I have made liquid laundry soap for about 2 years now. I started making it when I was trying to find something to help get rid of the girls awful eczema. So of course I got on Pinterest and searched for home made, natural, DIY eczema friendly laundry detergent. It didn't completely cure it but I would have to say its made a world of difference. After buying the supplies the first time, making it and seeing how long it lasts our family I could not believe the money we were saving monthly. Normally I would buy whatever detergent, fabric softener and dryer sheets had a coupon or was on sale. Still on average I was spending about $20 a month totaling around $240 a year or so. Well I don't spend but about $30 a year now!!! If you are anything like me that puts a huge smile on your face.
I have had many people ask me about both recipes, so here they are!
Ok, my first batch I ever made was off of the Duggar website.
Its simple and very cheap!
Here is a link to the recipe.
Homemade Liquid Laundry Soap- Front or top load machine- best value - Duggar Recipes - The Duggar Family
After making it once or twice I began to double the batch and make 20 gallons at a time which lasted us about 4 months.
I also started adding one cap of Gain softener to each gallon before using it. I love Gain and it gave it more fragrance, but not enough to upset the girls skin.
This is a GREAT recipe and washes everything pretty well.
Here lately I have wanted to give the powder detergent a try, but I have been hesitant due to how well this has worked with both girls skin. The powder lasts much longer and I think its easier to make and you don't have to let it sit over night and gel. I also don't have a lot of storage room. The 20 gallons were taking up a bit of room if you can imagine!
Well I decided to mix and match a few different recipes that I found on good old Pinterest and this is what I came up with.
1 (4 lb 12 oz) Box of Borax-
Found in the detergent aisle
1 (3 lb 7 oz) Box of Arm &
Hammer Super Washing Soda- Found in the detergent aisle
1 (3 lb) Container of OxyClean FREE- Found in the detergent aisle. (This is
optional but seemed like a good idea to add) I used the FREE kind because its better for my girls skin.
1 (14.1 oz) Bar of Zote Soap- Found in the detergent aisle only at Wal Mart (I used the white bar, because I had it on hand)
2 Bars of Fels Naptha- Found in the detergent aisle only at Wal Mart.
* you can use any variation of 3 soap bars.
1 (4 lb) Box of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda- Found in the laundry aisle
1-2 (55 oz) Bottle of Purex
Crystals Fabric Softener- Found in the detergent aisle OR 3-4 Downy or Gain softener beads ( I used 1 bottle of Purex Crystals this time)
1. Grate bars of soap with cheese grater or food processor.
2. Mix all
ingredients together in a large bucket then transfer to any type of container. I chose this 2 gallon jar from Wal Mart. You can use almost anything.
3. Use 1-3 Tablespoons per laundry load.
It smells fabulous and washes VERY well!! I am impressed so far!
I was introduced to Zote a while back from a dear friend for stain removal. It has saved us a pretty penny not having to buy Shout on a weekly basis.. Just wet the stain and the tooth brush rub it on the bar and then on the stain until you see it start to go away. I have used the same bar for over a year now and barely put a dent in it.... and you know who's clothes I wash :))
I hope this is helpful and useful for everyone!
Happy Laundry Day y'all!!
Wow! I am going to try your recipe. It is different from the one I was using. I used it for a while but wasn't impressed with how well it was cleaning Jonathan's work clothes. I miss the cost of making my own though...