Saturday, December 21, 2013

My Husband My BFF :)

Love letters from the King. Putting this in the girls books to remind them!

WOW! Do you honestly believe that God himself has someone picked out for you? I do! That's because I know without a shadow of a doubt that The Almighty God knew exactly what He was doing when He sent Aaron to me. God's plan is far better than my own, and He proves that time and time again.

I needed someone to love me unconditionally.  I have always had a family to do that but God knew I needed a best friend.  From day one Aaron has shown me an unfailing love. He truly does have a heart like Jesus. He put no judgement on anything my past had in it, and has held my hand and walked me through almost 8 years of the most amazing friendship I will ever have. 
There have been good times and bad.  Times when I didn't even like me, but he kept on loving me. I was immature, foolish, completely irresponsible but he helped me to grow and become a strong woman who can handle a lot more now than I could have then. 
December 23, 2005 was a day that changed my life forever and I can't imagine life any other way.  Aaron walked into my life that day, and has never once turned away or batted an eye when things got ugly or scary. And trust me it's been ugly and scary. I am soo proud to say that my husband is my best friend and there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do for him. 
Aaron, it's a little early but here's to 8 years of us together 3 kids later and you still take my breath away, give me butterflies and make me smile and laugh when I feel like punching you.  You are amazing.  I can't imagine where I would be without your love for me and I can't wait to see what all God has in store for our life.

You are and angel, you taught me how to fly
You picked me up when I was down turned me around and you made me fly high
Were a little bit older now, together weve seen some change
But I love you more now than I did on that very first day"
Brandon Rhyder 

I love you,
Your Crazy Wife

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