Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Our Family Pictures

I haven't posted a blog in foreverrrrrrrr...... But it is my personal goal to get this thing going and keep it going. So, I thought what a better way than to start with our family event for today.
Some times you just have to bite the bullet and take the family pictures... Matching outfits, wiggly kids and all that comes with it. Well, that's how we ended the day today. I have to say it went much better than I had anticipated, THANK GOD!
We have been trying to find a time when everyone is well and the weather was nice, and that has been tricky here lately for us Crims.  Luckily it all fell into place today and I couldn't be happier.  Our third precious one Masyn Lee will be making her arrival pretty soon and it was really important to me to have some family pictures taken.  My husband doesn't really enjoy taking pictures but he's always a good sport. Thank you sweet man for all you do :) Aunt Rhonda always saves the day and catches some great shots of our little monsters. Here's a preview for ya'll.   Just us Crims in the front yard playing on a dirt road, and living the life!

"Family is not an important thing. It's everything"
Michael J. Fox

1 comment:

  1. You have a beautiful family!!! Your tummy is soo cute :) God bless you guys!!
