Church was great today, as usual! But something really spoke to my heart this morning and moved me in such a way that I have been in such a sweet and tender mood the rest of the day full of faith that Christ moves in all of us... even more so the tiny children of God.
It came to the time of invitation and I will admit this is my favorite time on Sundays anyways... So here we are sitting in the pew my good friend Amanda and I with her precious daughter Alyssa. All of a sudden Alyssa starts to make her way to the altar... this picture will be burned into my memory forever. How beautiful it was to see a sweet little child of God walk the aisle and make her way to the front of the church... not worried about anything or anyone... just trying to make a cry out to Jesus. She stayed there and prayed with our Pastor and then made her way back to her seat between us. Pastor Jason looked up to Alyssa after the song was over and said "That was one of the sweetest prayers ever!" He asked Alyssa if he could share with the congregation about what they prayed and she said "Yes!". He told us that Alyssa had felt like she disrespected her teacher in school this past week and felt really bad about it. For the record... it couldnt have been that bad because I know her well and good and I know for a fact she is such a great kid! Which is why I am sure this bothered her soo much. :) Anyways- Pastor Jason continued to tell us what they had prayed about and that Alyssa planned to apologize to her teacher first thing in class this week. With tears rolling down my face I thought to myself... WOW! How amazing is this little girl and how blessed are we to have children in our lives to remind us how passionate we should be when it comes to our relationship with Christ. Putting everything aside and coming to God, letting Him know that we are sorry for our actions and to please forgive us and show us a way to make it right. I told her mother later on today how much I enjoy being around these little miracles because I feel like they are young and soo fresh from Heaven that they are truly who need to teach us the way we should act, talk, pray, and have unending faith... So here it is folks, proof right out of the 18th chapter of Matthew.
Matthew 18 1-5
1 At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Who, then, is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”
2 He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. 3 And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5 And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.
I hope and pray that those who read this will be as touched as I am. Alyssa, Baby Girl... you have completely reminded me today of many things I should be doing, and I thank you for that! Amanda, you are an amazing mother and you are doing a wonderful job in this whole crazy parenting thing! That is a blessed child!! You go MOMMA!
Thank you God for children!!!
Lots of LOVE,